Чергова сутичка Трампа та Клінтон через Міс Всесвіт з Венесуели

2016-10-01 2

За шість тижнів до голосування передвиборча кампанія у США досягла свого емоційного піку. Представниця демократів Ґілларі Клінтон атакувала конкурента Дональда Трампа за його гострі висловлювання на адресу колишньої Міс Всесвіт, уродженки Венесуели Алісії Мачадо, котра висловилася у Твіттері на користь Клінтон.

“The Republican candidate and his campaign are, once again launching attacks, insults and are attempting to revive slanders and false accusations about my life, in order to humiliate, intimidate, and unbalance me. These attacks are cheap lies with bad intentions. This, of course, is not the first time the candidate insists on discrediting someone or insists on demoralizing women, minorities, and people of certain religions through his hateful campaign. This is definitely one of his most frightful characteristics. Through his attacks, he’s attempting to distract from his campaign’s real problems and his inability to be the leader of this great country. When I was young, the now candidate, humiliated me, insulted me, disrespected me both publicly and privately in the cruelest way. The same way this happened to me, it’s clear that throughout the years, he’s continued his actions and behavior with other women. Therefore, I will continue to stand on my feet, sharing my story and my absolute support for Secretary Clinton, on behalf of all women — my sisters, aunts, grandmothers, cousins, women within the community. I want to thank all of my Latinas and those who have supported me and given me love and respect for my career, and as a human being. I became a United States citizen because my daughter was born here and because I wanted to exercise my rights, among them, I wanted to vote. I will continue standing firm in my lived experience as Miss Universe and even stronger with your support. I’ve been so pleased and honored by so many kind and heartfelt words. I’m focusing on my career and my work as a mother, and I will continue taking positive steps for the Latino community. I will continue being an activist for women’s rights and fighting for the respect we deserve. I appreciate all your love and thank you again for your support.” Many blessings, ALICIA MACHADO A photo posted by Alicia Machado (@machadooficial) on Sep 30, 2016 at 9:56am PDT

Кандидат від демократів вважає – чоловік, якого можна спровокувати дописом, не повинен мати доступу до ядерної зброї:

“Його останній емоційний зрив у твіттері – це вже занадто навіть для нього. І це знову підтверджує, що з таким темпераментом він не може бути президентом чи головнокомандувачем.”

Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2016

Запис у Твіттері Трампа, в якому він закликав своїх прибічників переглянути “секс-запис” з буцімто Мачадо, з‘явився о 3 ночі. В ньому також бізнесмен назвав колишню королеву краси огидною. Аби відбити критик

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