Hollande pays tribute at site of Charlie Hebdo siege

2016-09-29 5

French President Francois Hollande has unveiled a plaque at a printing company north of Paris where the Charlie Hebdo attackers went into hiding before they were killed during a police siege.

The factory is re-opening for the first time since it was damaged during the standoff between police and the gunmen in January, 2015.

Charlie Hebdo : François Hollande à Dammartin-en-Goële https://t.co/flJmQPzEAn pic.twitter.com/kNLvmbFvln— M6info (@m6info) September 29, 2016

Charlie Hebdo: Hollande décore les deux rescapés de l'imprimerie >> https://t.co/GwbyUkfZOC pic.twitter.com/1b2g4oZEdY— LCP (@LCP) September 29, 2016

Printing plant where #CharlieHebdo killers died reopens https://t.co/IFeFKWpTlH pic.twitter.com/3rENEYUzhi— New Indian Express (@NewIndianXpress) September 29, 2016

What happened at Charlie Hebdo?

Charlie Hebdo, a satirical publication known for its covers ridiculing political and religious leaders, lost many of its top editorial staff when two Islamist militants broke into an editorial meeting on January 7, 2015 and opened fire.

The attacks prompted a worldwide solidarity movement.

The “Je Suis Charlie” (I am Charlie) slogan went viral on social media.

Silent march of solidarity and sorrow: Je suis Charlie pic.twitter.com/cYQx8WhCxA— Kate Moore (@wordcrazy) January 11, 2015

No camera can capture the full picture of 3-million strong “Je Suis Charlie” march in Paris. But this comes close pic.twitter.com/jd5NpI262X— John Nichols (@NicholsUprising) January 12, 2015

“AujourdhuiCoree: Manifestation "Je suis Charlie à Séoul" dans le quartier français #JeSuisCharlie (idadaussy) pic.twitter.com/cKGLyiHwc4“ ❤— Erika (@BaeAndwaeyo) January 11, 2015

NewsTaz … http://t.co/EdxfspbDMp
A man holds a ‘Je suis Charlie’ banner during a march in Liverpool. PHOTO: R… pic.twitter.com/H2drKQKlwt— NewsTaz (@Hello_NewsTaz) January 16, 2015

What happened at the printing company?

After a two-day manhunt, police cornered the escaped Charlie Hebdo gunmen, brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi, in the printing company premises near the town of Dammartin-en-Goele.

The HyperCacher supermarket

Another militant murdered a police officer the next day and took hostages at the HyperCacher supermarket on January 9, 2015.

Four people died. The hostage-taker was shot dead.

The week of attacks on Charlie Hebdo, police and the kosher supermarket claimed the lives of 17 people.

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