Student suspended for homemade phone charger: High school student busted for charger - TomoNews

2016-09-28 23

SANDY, OREGON — A high school student was suspended when he brought a homemade device to school that looked like a bomb.

The student of Sandy High School in Sandy, Oregon, Levi Frunk is described by his family and friends as a genius of sorts. The 15-year-old had created a cell phone charging device, which he brought to school.

Frunk, a football player, had left the device out to charge his phone in the locker room while he was weight training. His coach found the device and, thinking it was a bomb, evacuated the area.

A teammate, who Frunk had shown the device to, informed the coach it belonged to the boy-genius. Frunk cleared up the confusion, but after evacuations started, he was in violation of the student handbook for disrupting school.

The teen was suspended for a day and half, which resulted in him missing the homecoming football game.