Study Suggests Selfies May Boost Happiness

2016-09-26 1

Selfies get all sorts of flak, but it turns out the criticisms may not be entirely justified. A new study suggests that the act of taking and posting pictures of oneself can boost a person’s happiness level.

Selfies get all sorts of flak, but it turns out the criticisms may not be entirely justified. 
A new study suggests that the act of taking and posting pictures of oneself can boost a person’s happiness level. 
Researchers with the University of California, Irvine recently had 41 students fill out questionnaires regarding their emotional well-being then tasked them with taking one of 3 different types of pictures on a daily basis. 
Those included selfies in which they were smiling, an image of something that brought them happiness, and a snapshot intended to bring joy to others. 
In the three weeks the participants did so, they also filled out a survey regarding their mood three times throughout the day.
Upon gathering and analyzing the data, the team found that all of the photo-taking exercises resulted in elevated moods. 
Among selfie takers in particular, some also noted that over the course of the study they experienced an increase in confidence. 

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