Advanced Combat Tracker(DPS overly) - Star Trek Online

2016-09-25 29

Thank you for watching my video tutorial on the Advanced Combat Tracker in Star Trek Online.

This program interprets the data in the "Combatlog.log" file (a file located in your computer), and translates it to the Advanced Combat Tracker tool that will display the processed data as graphs and tables. It will show things like DPS, types of damage, etc.

In this video tutorial i show how download and setup this program, how to install the plugin that is called STO_ACT.cs and activate it.

A little bit of professional tweaking is also show in this video tutorial on how you can setup your own personal custom window to show only the information you need and want. Check it out its a great tutorial about this great program!

Link to the forum where you can download this program at,d.ZGU

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