Debate prep: The strengths and weaknesses of Donald Trump

2016-09-24 608

Debate prep: The strengths and weaknesses of Donald Trump Strength 1: He's unpredictable.
Whether in politics or business, he takes pride in sizing up opponents based on their language, posture, eye contact, and particularly the needs and goals that his adversaries have at that moment.
Strength 2: Mr. Trump reviewed tapes of Mrs. Clinton’s old debates as well as compilations of his own worst moments during the primary face-offs.
Strength 3: He's self-confident.
He has said repeatedly that he can handle Hillary Clinton on stage.
Weakness 1: Can be insulting and demeaning to his opponent, the debate moderator, and voters at large, which can be off-putting.
Weakness 2: Tendency to lie on some issues (like his challenge to President Obama’s citizenship) or use incorrect information or advance conspiracy theories Weakness 3: Lacks a range of perspectives from women as he prepares to face the first-ever female general election candidate.