Debate prep: the strengths and weaknesses of Hillary Clinton

2016-09-24 34

Strength 1: She limited her campaign schedule after Labor Day to pore over briefing books. Up to speed on all her briefing materials. Strength 2: Clinton understands answers need to be trimmed down to two minutes (and rebuttals should be even tighter) and will keep working to tighten her answers in coming days. Strength 3: She vents frustrations during preparation sessions, joking and being sarcastic in ways she never would before a national audience. Weakness 1: Can appear stiff and irritable under pressure. Weakness 2:Tendency to get defensive about questions involving her honesty and trustworthiness. She has delivered multiple answers explaining her use of a private email server; she is practicing one clear, crisp answer. Weakness 3: Hard to predict how she will respond if relentlessly attacked on character issues like her ethics, honesty, and relationships with wealthy donors, or on her husband’s character (such as his past infidelities).