Adnan Oktar: For example, Munif Pasha, a member of Abdülhamit’s entourage, was a fervent Darwinist. He was one of the most influential figures in imbuing the Ottoman Empire by a Darwinist mindset. In 1879, Abdulhamid appointed Munif Pasha as the Minister of National Education for the sole reason that he was a Darwinist and a capable promoter of Darwinism. And this legacy bequeathed by the Ottoman Empire, the legacy that should have been disclaimed, unfortunately continues to be taught in schools at the same rate. Look, an exercise that began in the Abdulhamid era continues to be carried out uninterrupted by governments. Abdulhamid established a group named Cemiyet-i Tedrisiyye Islamiyye [The Association of Islamic Education], which was managed by Munif Pasha. The sole aim of this association was to spread the materialist, Darwinist thinking. They implemented this in the Ottoman Empire through a cunning policy. Abdulhamid also helped establish Mecmua-i Fünun [The Magazine of Sciences], which was a fervent Darwinist magazine. This magazine was distributed all around the Ottoman Empire as a tool of Darwinist propaganda. Abdul-Aziz had the magazine shut down, but it was later reopened in the Abdulhamid era. Mithat Pasha was the founder and the promoter of this magazine. And he was the close associate of Abdulhamid.
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