Hollande tells UN on Syria: 'Enough is enough'

2016-09-20 1

During a speech at the UN General Assembly French President Francois Hollande has blamed the Syrian government for the collapse of a US-Russia backed ceasefire.

Describing Syria as ‘a stain’ on the world community he told leaders: “I have one thing to say here: It is enough. As in last February, this latest cease-fire has only held for a few days. The regime is responsible for the failure. And it cannot exonerate itself by the violations that others commit. I would tell Syria’s foreign supporters, that everybody knows here, they need to compel the regime to accept peace, if not they will also bare responsibility alongside the regime for the division and chaos in Syria.

In addition to urging world powers to broker a solution to the near-six year Syrian civil war, he also described Aleppo as a ‘‘martyred city’‘.

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