How to get mutagen and card packs by Ninja Turtles Legends cheats mod apk

2016-09-17 62

read more and download Ninja Turtles Legends mod and card codes from

Download our Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Legends mod from our site. It takes 30 seconds to download, and another 30 seconds for it to install. Choose Android or iOS. Enter how much energy and pizza and how many greenbacks and warp passes you want. Then, click the big “start” button. You don’t need to fill out a survey or offer to use the 2016 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Legends mod! This will begin the mod. After it’s completed, which will take 30 seconds or less, just open the app on your device. It will run like normal but your greenbacks, pizza, warp passes, and energy will be there, ready for you to use them! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Legends chick APK is available for download below. Download Ninja Turtles: Legends mod to unlock all cards/characters. Our mod tool for Ninja Turtles: Legends works on all iOS & Android devices. No need to search for any cheats as our cheat tool is all that you need! So if you want to get free cards simply hit the download button below!

read more and download Ninja Turtles Legends mod and card codes from