ADNAN OKTAR: We have lived together with our Kurdish brothers in harmony for thousands of years. Marxism emerged in the 1800s, towards the end of this period of harmony. And along with Marxism appeared Darwinism, tenets of which completely contradicted the thousand-year-old culture of the region. In other words, a new evil belief system, religion was born. And almost the whole world embraced this evil religion. In other words, people became Darwinists. They became Darwinists whether they liked it or not. And all the world states, without exception, teach Darwinism as a state ideology; an ideology that claims, "Your ancestors were microbes. Your existence is the result of coincidences. Everything happens by chance. All the religions are in fact philosophical movements that are developed in the process of evolution. They are systems that were created by the people for the good of the people." Once people come under such ideology, they will no longer pay head to any discourse defending brotherhood. But if they were still believing in their former religion, former beliefs, in other words if they wouldn't have become Marxists, Darwinists, they would find this animosity abnormal. They would say, "We have been brothers for a thousand year. Let this remain so." They would be taken aback. But, look, at the end of the thousandth year, a religion that rejects all the other ones was adopted by the whole world. For this reason, these people will disregard any kind of brotherhood discourse. In other words, the Marxist, Leninist mentality rejects the idea of brotherhood and despises it. And numbers does not make any difference for them either. For example, when Lenin first appeared in the czarist Russia, he only had a handful of people supporting him. Only a handful. But he seized the whole Russia through ideology. Before long, even the great China yielded to this ideology as well. Before that, the Chinese people would consider each other brothers. They would watch out for their countrymen. It was the same for czarist Russia. They would say to those rebelling against the czar, "People should not rebel against their own government. You are weakening the unity and solidarity of our country. You are bloodthirsty anarchists, terrorists." But the rebels would laugh at them and say, "Of course we are bloodthirsty. This is what Marxism, Leninism demands." Ultimately, those with Marxist, Leninist beliefs prevailed. At the time, czarist Russia underestimated them as well. The Czar Nicolai would dress up and lay down the law from inside his palace. I am not making a reference to Tayyip Erdogan or anything. These are facts. I am telling the historical facts. And they disregarded the Leninists, Marxist movement. In other words, the czarist Russia did not feel the need to respond to the philosophical side of this movement. No response whatsoever. So, in the absence of a proper response, this philosophy gained strength unilaterally