While Covering Gary Johnson's Flub, New York Times Incorrectly Characterizes Aleppo Multiple Times

2016-09-09 13

On Thursday morning, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson was criticized for responding to a question about Aleppo with the question, “what is Aleppo?” It turns out he’s not the only person who isn’t sure.

On Thursday morning, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson was criticized for responding to a question about Aleppo with the question, “what is Aleppo?” 
It turns out he’s not the only person who isn’t sure. 
In its original report on the Johnson debacle, the New York Times characterized the Syrian city as, “…the de facto capital of the Islamic State.”
It isn’t. 
That phrase was reportedly rewritten to read, “…stronghold of the Islamic State.” 
That isn’t true either. 
The third time around, the New York Times limited its description of Aleppo to, “war-torn."
A correction was also published and initially read, “An earlier version of this article misidentified the de facto capital of the Islamic State. It is Raqqa, in Northern Syria, not Aleppo, the Syrian capital.” 
That, too, was changed, as the capital of Syria is Damascus. 
The person or persons involved in the mix-ups could probably use a hug right now.