Man Allegedly Robs Bank In Hopes Of Going To Jail, Getting Away From His Wife

2016-09-07 208

Bank robbery usually has a pretty clear motive, but one man’s reason for allegedly committing the crime is far from typical.

Bank robbery usually has a pretty clear motive, but one man’s reason for allegedly committing the crime is far from typical.
On Friday, Lawrence John Ripple, 70, walked into Kansas City’s Bank of Labor and handed the teller a note, according to investigators.
It reportedly contained the usual bank robbery demand – “I have a gun, give me money” - and the teller handed over a bunch of cash. 
The situation became highly unusual when Ripple, money in hand, went to the lobby and sat down on a bench, reports the Associated Press. 
After being taken into custody, Ripple told authorities that he’d committed the robbery because he had an argument with his wife and decided he would, “rather be in jail than at home.” 
According to the Huffington Post, Ripple was charged and released on Wednesday, but it is unknown where he went afterward.

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