If You Want Results Then Train Like It

2016-09-07 4

If You Want Results Then Train Like It


Real Results! No Gimmicks!

So you really want to get Fit right? Then you really need to start training like it. Time and time again I see people training just trying to get the workout done a soon as possible and this is one of the biggest mistakes you can do. Those last few reps that are so hard to get out are the one's that have to be done as strict as possible and with all your heart and soul, this is how you get results. If you are doing an exercise for 15 reps the last 5 are the ones that are giving you progress the first 10 reps DON'T MEAN SHIT! What is going to make your body change are the one's that you need to really focus and force out. If you don't feel like that then you are just working out for the sake of working out, and that's probably why you have looked the same for so long. Proper form is very important as well, you can't just do the exercise to get all the reps out because you are doing the exercise to target a certain area. Just because someone is doing a certain exercise doesn't mean they are really targeting the area that they want. For example someone can be doing a Back Exercise and doing back exercises with the wrong form can easily turn them into Bicep exercises. If you have a goal in mind that you need to reach then you no longer are working out you are now TRAINING. You have a fitness goal in mind and you need to achieve that goal as fast as you can so you have to really dedicate yourself to the training. Next time you are Training make sure you are giving it your all and are doing the right form from the first rep all the way to the last rep.

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