Empowering people to make the most of any
Heart-felt communication is a skill not often taught today, let’s build the heart up whist feeling safe and secure and discover the truth of communicating to others, what’s really important to you. Today we are often too busy for most things, we rush here and there, and take short cuts to speed up our lives but where are we going? What’s the rush? We may even wonder what life is really all about. Sometimes we are kinder to our neighbours than our family; treat our pets better than our loved ones, friendlier to strangers than those closest to us. This does not make us a bad person, it just highlights sometimes we need to take stock of what’s really important to you and then to look at ways of bringing those values back into your life. It’s about finding ways of actually appreciating what we do have, rather than what we don’t have. We may not always like what life gives us, but we can choose to find ways to make the best of the life we have been given.
Opening the heart is not just about “love” and being “soft and mushy” it can also be about laughing, finding humour in things, doing simple things in life we love, finding peace within ourselves. It could be learning to listen more than we speak, sharing our experiences to help others move into life with more wisdom and even empowerment. If you could impart your wisdom what would that be, if you spoke from your heart?