Trump And Mexican President Are Fighting On Twitter About Who Will Pay For The Wall

2016-09-01 94

On Thursday, the Mexican president again told Trump that Mexico will not be paying for a wall, only this time he posted the news where Trump would be sure to see it – on Twitter.

President Enrique Peña Nieto has said repeatedly that Mexico will not be paying for Trump’s wall. 

On Thursday he did so again, only this time he put the news where Trump would be sure to see it – on Twitter.

Earlier in the day Trump had tweeted, “Mexico will pay for the wall!” 

Peña Nieto responded, in Spanish, “I repeat what I told you personally, Mr. Trump: Mexico would never pay for a wall.” 

Following his meeting with the Mexican president, Trump denied that any talk about the wall had taken place, an assertion that Peña Nieto was quick to contradict.