Hello, I'm a Scientist 5 Noah's Flood

2016-09-01 1

It certainly does create a strong feeling of trust when someone on TV or in a video says "Hello, I'm a doctor" or "Hello, I'm a scientist". This is why we should automatically believe everything "Chemist"/"Scientist"/Auto Mechanic John Morris Pendleton says. This time, he makes a thoroughly convincing and honest case to prove that there was a global flood and that old-earthism = the dumb.

With special guest SchizophrenicQueen! http://www.youtube.com/user/SchizophrenicQueen

Apparently there are two more of these about the flood. Kill me.

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Answers in Genesis on the greenhouse effect of the water canopy (last section): http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/tools/flood-waters.asp

Apologetics Press re: Flood: http://www.apologeticspress.org/apcontent.aspx?category=9&article=64

Robert M. Schoch: http://www.robertschoch.com/

Bancroft - Native Races book (free): http://archive.org/details/nativerace03bancrich

Fernando Horcasitas - Cuban deluge account - http://books.google.ca/books?id=E__dnnQwGDwC&pg=PA214&lpg=PA214&dq=cuban+flood+myth+boat&source=bl&ots=-kMqiX_3c4&sig=lnC-0TRwfK6_YXi5UFwyNTtlRjs&hl=en&sa=X&ei=WpmQUPbkK6WEygGS5IGoCg&ved=0CEMQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=cuban%20flood%20myth%20boat&f=false

Fray Juan de Torquemada - Monarquia Indiana (Cuban flood myth - See Volumen IV, Libro Catorce, Capitulo XIX (Donde se prosigue la materia del pasado y se prueba ser el color negro nacido de la maldición que Noé echó a su nieto Canaan), beginning "Verdad es que los de los indios de la isla de Cuba...") - http://www.historicas.unam.mx/publicaciones/publicadigital/monarquia/volumen/02/mi_vol02.html

Talk Origins - Fuhi flood story - http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/CG/CG202_2.html

Chinese flood myth - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Flood_(China)

NCSE paper on CEM - http://ncse.com/files/pub/library/Theses/Duncan_Julie-%20Faith%20Displayed%20as%20Science%20-%20The%20role%20of%20the.pdf

Original video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhGIHZ4rjAs

Intro Music: Dagon - Cut To The Heart
Bible-reading music: Wretched - Beyond the Gate
Outro Music: Dark Tranquillity - The Fatalist