New Delhi, Aug 31 (ANI): For decades Pakistan has portrayed India as the country that has not abided by the UN Security Council Resolution 47 of April 1948. But in reality, Pakistan had rejected the UN resolution, the very resolution it swears by now. It never wanted that plebiscite or self determination be exercised by Kashmiris, just as Mohammed Ali Jinnahhad had earlier rejected Lord Mountbatten's suggestion in November 1947 for a plebiscite in the state. Pakistan was to be given no role in this since Maharaja Hari Singh had already acceded to India under the terms of the Independence Act. Ever since then, Pakistan has violated the norms by not just stationing troops in the areas illegally, but signed deals with China with respect to territory that belongs to Jammu and Kashmir. The resolution proposed three essential steps in sequential order. First, Pakistan must withdraw all its forces and tribesmen that had invaded Jammu and Kashmir and then help create conditions for people to express their choice without fear by not sending men and material into the state. After this, the Government of India would take steps to gradually withdraw its forces, but would be allowed to retain adequate troops for law and order in the state. India with its machinery would then be responsible for conducting a fair and free plebiscite under UN supervision in the entire state of J and K.