Aug 30, 2016 – They aren’t saying it’s alien, but they are saying it’s “interesting.”
The SETI Institute — the private organization that looks for signals of extraterrestrial life — has announced that it is investigating reports of an unusual radio signal picked up by Russian astronomers.
The signal was detected on a much wider bandwidth than the SETI Institute uses in its searches, and the strength of the received signal was “weak,” SETI Institute astronomer Seth Shostak wrote in a blog post.
Alternately, the message could have been directed at us. That’s a lower energy requirement — about equal to “the total energy consumption of all mankind.”
But in that case, they’d have to know we’re here. The system is too far away to have picked up any TV or radar from humans on Earth, “and it’s hard to understand why anyone would want to target our solar system,” Shostak says.
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