On Saturday night Rita Ora gave an eyeful of her ample cleavage during the X Factor show. Donning a plunging black sheer dress and opting for a Topless look she did put on a very distracting display at the judging panel. And on Sunday night's The X Factor results show, Cheryl joined in, to show off her ample cleavage donning a shimmering black and bronze strapless gown while Rita Ora went for a more bold look in a plunging black tuxedo jacket and trousers. Cheryl and Rita did steal attention from fellow judges Simon Cowell and Nick Grimshaw as they arrived on stage for the live broadcast. It was a bit of sad night for Rita since she had to say goodbye to her first act of the series, Kiera Weathers. Also leaving the X Factor with least number of votes was Seann Miley Moore.
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