Ghayal Once Again is upcoming movie starring Sunny Deol, Soha Ali Khan, Rishabh Arora, Aanchal Munjal, Shivam Patil and Diana Khan. The movie is a sequel of the 1990 movie Ghayal which was a huge hit. Ghayal Once Again comes with a promising and interesting plot which will keep you at the edge of your seat. Enjoy watching the promo.
Star Cast - Sunny Deol, Om Puri, Aanchal Munjal, Soha Ali Khan, Rishabh Arora
Director - Sunny Deol
Producer - Dharmendra,Ronak Motla
Cinematographer - Ravi Yadav
Music Director - Himesh Reshammiya
Story - Shaktimaan,Sagar Pandya
Screenplay - Sanjay Masoom,Vishal Vijay Kumar
Editor - Chandan Arora