Dr. Brandenburg Say’s ‘Mars was nuked’

2016-08-28 37

Aug 28, 2016 – Dr Brandenburg say’s Mars was nuked – Although he does not go into much detail about the alien races, he points to a number of ‘artifacts’ on the surface that he says are remnants of an intelligent society.
“Well, the fact that the paper got accepted at this conference is quite significant. It means that the scientific community is paying attention to this and has decided that I have raised valid scientific questions. And by saying your paper’s accepted means, ‘Come to our conference and tell us more about this.’

So I believe there is a shift in opinion in the scientific community that this is an issue which should be talked about despite the fact that talking about anything involving intelligent activity on Mars was kind of forbidden before. But times have changed. I believe people are now ready to talk about this

For his book, he analyzed United States 1976 Viking spacecraft data about the Martian atmosphere as well as two Viking images of the so-called “Face on Mars,” that stares upward from a Martian highland in the northern hemisphere called Cydonia Mensae.
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