The mentality that supports the YPG will never be approved by the Turkish people

2016-08-28 1

KARTAL GÖKTAN: More than 200 writers and academics including Hasan Cemal, Oya Baydar and Baskın Oran published a notice that supports the PYD and the YPG. The following is what is written on the notice.

ADNAN OKTAR: It is unbelievable. They bomb, martyr the Turkish police and the Turkish soldiers, and these people still support the YPG and the PYD. It is shocking. The state defines them as terrorist organizations and proves this through hundreds, thousands of documents. And these people support them despite all this. This is a miracle, this is quite surprising. Yes.

KARTAL GÖKTAN: The following is written on the notice: "The current government declared all the conceivable regional and universal actors, in other words, al-Assad, the PYD, Russia, the US, Iran, the EU, an enemy. Since the government cannot fly a single warplane fearing Russia might shoot it down, it brags about hitting the Syrian Kurds with Howitzers just as they do to the Kurds in Turkey. No one is forcing Turkey to enter a war amidst such an atmosphere. This is the first time over the 90 years of Turkish Republic history that a government personally set such a trap and is trying to willingly jump in it."

ADNAN OKTAR: There is no way. The PYD-YPG's dream of founding a big Kurdish state in the region was devised two centuries ago and has been thoroughly supported since by the English deep state. Besides they blatantly say, "Just like the final years of the Ottoman Empire." They announce "We will establish the great Kurdistan in here." Therefore, there is no need to play dumb in this regard. They seized an 800x400 kilometer territory. This amounts to a huge country. How can they disregard this? They say they seek to found a state in the Southeastern region of Turkey. They have also captured a vast territory in Syria and Iraq. The people of Turkey will never approve such a mentality. This idea will find 100-200 supporters at best. Turkey's population is 80 mn. Thus, 200 objectors will not be taken into consideration in any way, regardless of their title.
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