第三篇【比利時:安特衛普之旅】 Antwerp, Belgium Travel Guide

2016-08-27 5



妹妹娃娃(姐妹Lara梁心頤與Esther梁妍熙) 帶著你在比利時的安特衛普玩樂一天! 想擁有相似的旅遊經驗嗎? 妹娃送你Airbnb的打折卷,現在快去計劃吧!

Sisters Lara and Esther Veronin take you on a journey through Europe!

Join Esther & Lara as they tour Antwerp in the third installment of their travel series.

Want to have a trip just like them? Sign up with Airbnb now and receive USD$25 off your first booking!