Through movies like Avatar, the youth undergo a subliminal reconstruction so that they regard themselves as deities, may God forbid.

2016-08-26 17

Adnan Oktar: As I have also said it the other day, the system of the antichrist is carrying out a scheme; the youth, the children are subjected to a godhood propaganda through internet, video games, internet games, movies, theater plays etc. Do you have any such movies in mind?

Avatar, the Lord of the Rings, God's of Egypt, X-Men, Game of Thrones.


Adnan Oktar: Look, through such movies, the desire to become deities is instilled in the minds, the thoughts of the youth. In other words, the desire to become superior to God is instilled. Perhaps they do not feel so intentionally, but they are not aware of being manipulated. This is a plot of the system of the antichrist. And the youth are falling for it unconsciously. Since, in his own opinion, the antichrist deems himself a deity, he incites his followers to godhood. Thus, they begin to aspire after being deities. We should beware of this plot. In other words, no one should fall into such trouble, knowingly or unknowingly.

Mr. Bülent: There are some movie posters, Mr. Oktar.

Adnan Oktar: Let me see. Look, intentionally or not, there is a ploy behind these movies. We know that the English deep state has given into the system of the antichrist. The antichrist is employing them right now. But we see that he makes use of these movies as well. Those who produced these moves may not have such an intention but the English deep state uses them to that end, and injects into the youth and induces in them the idea of being superior to God or becoming God. The youth are made to forget the superiority of God through subliminal reconstructions. The idea "You are God" is injected into their minds. This is a grave danger and a major risk; because at that case, the polytheistic mentality, the sense of superiority and egocentricity begin to spread among people. Individuals start to deem themselves superior to God. In other words, they are subjected to a subliminal reconstruction, knowingly or unknowingly.
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