MEET MELINE (2009) - Animation Test #1

2008-05-20 20

Virginie Goyons et Sebastien LABAN sont fiere de vous présenter le 1ier test d'animation de leur court-métrage "Meet Meline" (2009)! :o)

Pour plus d'information sur "Meet Meline" rendez-vous sur
ou le blog :

Virginie GOYONS & Sebastien LABAN are working on "Meet Meline" since a year and a half now during our spare time (nights and weekends).
We've completed all the pre-production including script, concepts, previz, characters and sets design, sound research etc. We are now on production, working on the 26 individual shots that compose the 6 minutes long 3d animated film.

For more Informations :
or the production blog :

See you soon!

Virginie & Sebastien! :o)