Man crosses street to close to car and gets foot run over

2016-08-25 20

Shocking dashcam footage has emerged of a man getting his foot run over by a car while trying to cross the road.

The video, captured in Leeds on Saturday night, shows the man trying to cross a street and getting too close to the moving vehicle.

Footage from behind the car shows the man falling onto the rear window, appearing to damage it.

According to the filmer, the man looked drunk, which - if true - may have caused the miscalculation.

"I saw these two men run out of the Trio Nightclub and out into the road. I was aware they were running towards me so I stopped but as they went alongside me I started to move forwards thinking they'd passed."

"The next thing I know there was a huge bang and the car shook," he continued.

The guy had fallen into my car and as he had with me moving forward he ended up underneath the back wheel. I moved forwards and he got up and ran off.