POPE FRANCIS to PROCLAIM LUCIFER as God of One World Religion on September 23 2016.

2016-08-22 197

C. Ervana: On September 4-23rd, 2016, a major event will occur in the Old City of Jerusalem. It will bring together actors, artists, musicians, and persons in media from around the world. What on earth are they planning to do in Jerusalem at an event that ends on September 23rd, that will bring together celebrities and public figures?
Leaders from Roman Catholic, Muslim, and Jewish communities will gather for one of the largest and longest interfaith services in world history, right in the old city of Jerusalem.

The service will combine the three monotheistic faiths under one roof in a house of worship for all believers. One part of the event will occur from September 5-11 and will bring together Jew, Muslim, and Christian under “a passion for Jerusalem in which they will co-exist temporarily under the wings of the Almighty.”

Another part will occur from September 12 through the 23. The leaders of this event, called Mekudeshet, will perform an 11 day consecration. This is not good and may signal the beginning of the One World religion that Pope Francis has been working so hard to achieve in 2016.

The Vatican is one of the chief proponents of the ecumenical movement around the world and in Israel. For the past three years, Pope Francis has worked tirelessly toward a new world religion, in which all denominations are brought together as one. If you look at Francis’ outreach over the past three years and specifically in 2016, you’ll find somebody who has openly condemned evangelical Christianity and a belief that you must have a personal relationship with Jesus. In fact, Francis equated the spread of the gospel under evangelical Christianity to Jihadism and called a personal relationship with Jesus dangerous.