The social justice suggested by communism can be achieved best in Islam

2016-08-22 21

ADNAN OKTAR: Marxist Civan, "Same thing will happen in Turkey too, we should relax. The investments of wealthy will be distributed to the poor; Turkish communism." We don’t have problem on such economical issues. Some people assume that we would be against such notion of social justice because the assets of the wealthy would be lost. We have no such problem. In fact, in the Qur’an and Islam, the wealth of the rich people is distributed. The rich don’t keep their possesion. It is widely distributed. God says, "give away what you don't need." What does it mean? What does a man need? Food, a blanket, and a house, one house. Give away the rest, says God. It is very clear. The Muslims have no problem with this. Our issue is with the ones who have no faith. We just don’t want a faithless, atheist, loveless, merciless, heartless system which is actually terrifying. Otherwise the social justice suggested by communism, we would not have anything against that. You are already obliged to give away your wealth. So we have no such thing as fear of losing money and wealth. It is written in the Quran. Wherever you look, it says the same thing. You will give away what you don't need, what does it mean? What do you understand of this?  It says what you ‘need’, need to survive, not luxury.  Give away what you don't need. It doesn't mean give away whatever is left over from your pleasure and luxurious spendings.

AYLIN KOCAMAN: God commands us to "give away the things we like."

ADNAN OKTAR: Of course, it is very clear. They just keep repeating the same thing. As if it is about the economy. Marx took the social justice concept of communism from Islam. He took it directly from Islam. He believed in Moshiach, the Messiah. Karl Marx is of Jewish origin. His grandfather was a rabbi. He comes from a family of rabbis. He knows the Torah pretty well and he wanted to be the Moshiach. But he became the antichrist instead, it is told in the hadiths. Messiah; Prophet Jesus is a Messiah. And there is also the antichrist. Marx wanted to be the Messiah Moshiach the most. He became the antichrist. He wanted to save the world, as in Messiah will come and save the world, will bring social justice and equality to everyone, "He distributes the wealth fairly" says Mahdi. That is the characteristic of Prophet Jesus, as he brings justice. Marx's intentions were the same, but in the end he became antichrist. In other words, the false Messiah. Because he interpreted what he learned from the Quran and Torah arbitrarily. He created a Godless Messiah concept. Now the real Messiah, the one who believes in God will come.
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