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Other famous buildings in Bruges include:

The Beguinage
The Basilica of the Holy Blood (Heilig-Bloedbasiliek). The relic of the Holy Blood, which was brought to the city during the First Crusade, is paraded every year through the streets of the city. More than 1,600 inhabitants take part in this mile-long religious procession, many dressed as medieval knights or crusaders.
The modern Concertgebouw (Concert Building)
The Old St-John's Hospital
The Sint-Salvator Cathedral
The Groeningemuseum
The City Hall
The Provincial Court (Provinciaal Hof)
The old city gateways: the Kruispoort, Gentpoort, Smedenpoort and Ezelpoort. The Dampoort, Katelijnepoort and Boeveriepoort are gone.
Bruges also has a very fine collection of medieval and early modern art, including the world-famous collection of Flemish Primitives. Various masters, such as Hans Memling and Jan van Eyck, lived and worked in Bruges.

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