Antidepressants Facts, The Truth about Psychiatry Depression Drugs 1. They Don’t Work! • Antidepressants have no impact... Almost 50 clinical trials were reviewed by psychologists from the UK's University of Hull, who found new-generation antidepressants worked no better than a placebo for most depressed patients. See a few BBC Videos on this research and some other cool stuff: The Original Research Document • The UK Newspaper The Guardian reported on Feb.27, 2008 that the government yesterday released details of its £170m plan to train 3,600 more psychological therapists in the wake of a study showing that antidepressant drugs such as Prozac are no more effective than a placebo. 2. Big Pharma Lies! • They routinely suppress the results of research which have negative results for their products. The Wall Street Journal reports that the effectiveness of a dozen popular anti-depressants has been exaggerated by selective publication of favorable results, according to a review of unpublished data submitted to the Food and Drug Administration. Among the many drugs that were found to have increased their effects as a result of selective publication and/or data manipulation: Lexapro, Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor Wall Street Journal link: 3. You are a Victim of Marketing! • The New York Times reports that the diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder has increased 4000% in 10 years! • USA Today report shows that as ad spending goes up, the more you ASK for specific ...