Aug 14, 2016 – The South Korean military is reportedly bolstering its missiles to simultaneously take out all North Korean military installations in case necessary. Seoul’s forces are increasing the number of Hyunmoo missiles in its arsenal to combat rising threats from its neighbor.
Speaking about the increasing intimidation from the North and the South’s aim to target all of Pyongyang’s military bases, a top Seoul official, who did not wish to be identified, told Yonhap news agency: “To accomplish this, the South needs more ballistic missiles at its disposal.”
South Korea currently has three types of Hyunmoo missiles namely Hyunmoo 2A, 2B and 3, which have a strike range of 300km, 500km, and 1,000km, respectively. The South Korean official further added that by purchasing more Hyunmoo short-range missiles would enable Seoul “neutralize threats” from the North.
The North is believed to possess at least 1,000 missiles with various strike range, all of which can be launched at once. The two Koreas are still technically at war as the 1950-53 Korean War did not end in a peace treaty, but only in an armistice.
Pyongyang has also been menacingly accelerating its threats in recent weeks. On Saturday, it warned to unleash “merciless” retaliation against American forces after the US’s decision to deploy nuclear-capable B-2 bombers in Guam.