SFM Modified Flat-Back-Kick Drill #3, 0-4-0 Back Kick Drill

2016-08-12 30

This can follow the Head Hug Back Kick ...

The EVOLUTION of a NEW DRILL: 0-4-0 Back Kick Drill.

As Stacy explained the Head-Hug Back Kick, it inspired the invention of a new Back Kick Drill.

* Alternate Head Hug with Number 11 Arms
* OR... Alternate Head Hug with Number 4 Arms

- 6 counts in each position: Alternate HEAD HUG and NUMBER 4 Arms

- NOTICE: Stacy is very specifically demonstrating with very tight straight arms

- REMEMBER: The students will mimic what you SHOW THEM more than what they hear.

- THE KICK IS SO VITAL IN BACKSTROKE. Always remind them to continuously kick.