Ultra Kawaii - Pugs, Hugs, & Pugs!

2008-03-10 1,257

Wrinkley faces, tiny bodies, and lotsa cute. Join us for another episode of ULTRA KAWAII, as Dave presents a collection of super cute PUG videos. Special thanks to all the cute pug puppies featured in this episode: Bernard Levy (youtube.com/hornkappa), Rhino (youtube.com/janitortv), the Grissom Pug Mix (vimeo.com/pikamookie), Sophie (youtube.com/LindaNixon), Gizmo (urbanpug.com), Katinka (youtube.com/guxilla), Abby (youtube.com/mistertentpole), cat123789, Ettina (youtube.com/artettina), Kleopatra (sent by Stephanie), Hammy (sent by Teresa), Goblin (from Sarah H.), Quincy (from Heather South), and Max (sent by Amy).