2016-08-10 7

Oh, the popular Peter Pan Collar! We all love it, but you have to admit you noticed that fashion industry is taking advantage of this trend and is making clothes with this faboulost detail that is overpriced. I am showing you how to do it yourself the easiest way. No sewing skills, no sewing machine needed, just a shirt with a collar you like and scissors.
I highly reccomend looking for diffrent shirsts in thrift stores because they are cheap and there are a lot of retro designes you can reuse. No need to buy expensive new shirt and destroy it. Just take the shirt, cut the colllar and close that button! ???? You can accessorise it any way you want. Sky is the limit! You can glue jewles, stich it, put patches, badges, hair clips on... Aaaahhhh, so many opportunities ???? You get this amazing Peter Pan collar you can add to your dresess, shirts, blouses!
I hope you'll get some inspiration and make sure to send me pictures of your Peter Pan collars! Love to you all! ❤

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