Extracting Reicast ROMs & Removing On-Screen Buttons

2016-08-09 13

Hey everyone,

So I'm back here with another Reicast video, specifically for those having difficulty getting the .CDI files working. Reicast will only run .CDI files that are properly extracted. I show you how to do just that, as well as remove the Reicast's default on-screen buttons, in this video. Enjoy!

Extracting Reicast ROMs: 1:49
Removing on-screen buttons: 3:34

Link to my previous Reicast video:


Link to 7-Zip (Free Windows file extraction) software:


Link to blank .png file:


Link to my TwitchTV channel, where I do live streams of Retro games:


And yes, my name is Windycitytbones on ShadowGun. Add me as a friend on there.