Our Prophet (saas) said "He who submits to Hazrat Mahdi (as) submits to me."

2016-08-06 17

ADNAN OKTAR: The Messenger of God (saas) commands:  "Qaim Mahdi (as) is from my progeny. His name is the same as my name, and his kunniyat (patronymic) is the same as my kunniyat, in his physique and character he looks exactly like me." He will behave like me. "He will invite people to my religion, to God's Book." He will invite to the Quran. "He who submits to him, submits to me." He who submits to Hazrat Mahdi (as), submits to me." He who rebels against Hazrat Mahdi (as), rebels against me." "He who rebels against him, rebels against me." "He who denies him in his absence, denies me." Our Prophet (saas) says "he who denies him before he comes, denies me." He says "he who says 'Hazrat Mahdi (as) shall not come, he doesn't exist,' denies me." "He who contradicts him, contradicts me." In other words he says, "he who refutes Hazrat Mahdi (as), refutes me." "He who supports him, supports me. Those who contradict him," who refute him, "who deny my words of him and who stray my people (ummah) away, I will report them to God," says Our Prophet (saas). "I will report all of them in the Hereafter," he says. "Tyrants will soon witness the results of their endeavours," a hadith from our Prophet (saas). I repeat; our Prophet (saas) commanded: "Qaim Mahdi (as) is from my progeny. His name is the same as my name, and his kunniyat (patronymic) is the same as my kunniyat, in his physique and character he looks exactly like me." He will invite people to my religion, to God's Book. He who submits to Hazrat Mahdi (as), submits to me. He who rebels against Hazrat Mahdi (as), rebels against me. He who denies him in his absence, denies me. He who contradicts him, contradicts me. He who supports him, supports me. Those who contradict him," who deny his existence, "who deny my words of him and who stray my people (ummah) away, I will report them to God," says our Prophet (saas).  "Tyrants will soon witness the results of their endeavours." This is from eight hundred year old book; Bihar’ul Envar, a hadith book. (Volume 51, Page 73)

Again, our Prophet (saas) commands: "He who denies Hazrat Mahdi (as) from our progeny, denies me." The same kinds of hadiths are also originally present in Sunni works.

Mohammed bin Hanefiyye, my grandfather, Hazrat Ali (ra)'s son. "During the period of Mohammed bin Hanefiyye, some people among Muslims called Mohammed bin Hanefiyye as Hazrat Mahdi (as)." He looked a lot like Hazrat Mahdi (as). This is very meaningful; because my grandfather looked a lot like Hazrat Mahdi (as), looked similar in appearance, they thought of him as Hazrat Mahdi (as) in the era of the companions. They continuously called him Hazrat Mahdi (as), and he used to say; "do not call me Hazrat Mahdi (as)." "They promised a bright future for Islam through him." In other words they said, "he will lead," "no matter how much he denies it; he is Hazrat Mahdi (as)" they said, insha'Allah. "Muslims will experience a future so bright and magnificent," they said after the death of the Messenger of God (saas). In fact, when he died, Mohammed bin Hanefiyye said, "he didn’t die, he is living in the Mount Radva; one day he will come out." "Abu Hamza informed that: "One day, somebody approached Mohammed bin Hanefiyye and saluted him as 'As-salamu alaykum Oh Mahdi!'. Ibni Hanefiyye said that: 'You are right; I am Mahdi in a sense that I invite people to the true path, goodness and I show them the right way. However I am not Hazrat Mahdi (as) of the end times. In order to avoid misunderstandings, when greeting me just call me As-salamu alaykum Mohammed or Eba'l Qasim, don't call me with another name.'"  In that time everyone called him Hazrat Mahdi (as). But he looked just like him in appearance, masha'Allah. Because I'm his progeny, it is pretty nice. Mohammed bin Hanefiyye was pretty smart, masha'Allah. In his tone and behavior he resembles our Prophet (saas) a lot, masha'Allah.

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