Migrants in limbo on Italian-French border

2016-08-06 3

A dispute between Italy and France over the movement of migrants has resulted in a stand off at the border between the two countries.

Migrants have been left stranded in Ventimiglia, the last train station before the Italian French border.

#Ventimiglia – Migrants occupy ponte san ludovico. #Refugee #Refugees #Migration #Europe #Vintimille pic.twitter.com/qcR80MrDFp— Maurizio Martorana (@Italo_francais) August 5, 2016

Clashes between the migrant population and Italian and French authorities have occurred, and tear gas was fired by police into crowds of protesting migrants.

France argues that, according to EU law, the migrants are Italy’s responsibility.

Although Italy has said that the migrant camps on the Italian side of the border are a “punch in the face” to the EU.

Migrants are stuck in #Menton surrounded by cops. Some got beaten by Italian and French Police #Refugee #Ventimiglia pic.twitter.com/0UOYolXGbW— Maurizio Martorana (@Italo_francais) August 5, 2016

Those that made it to Menton, a town on the French side of the border mere minutes away by train, were swiftly returned to Italy.

Migrants have set up a makeshift camps on the rocks near Ventimiglia, facing the sea they crossed to get to Europe.

They were chanting “We need to go”, as their frustration grows.