Disturbing police footage shows fatal shooting of 18-year-old in Chicago

2016-08-06 2

Videos from the fatal shooting of an 18-year-old Chicago man Paul O'Neal have emerged Friday. The extremely graphic footage shows police firing into a car that was being driven away from them and, later, officers handcuffing O’Neal as he lay wounded behind a home. The release came around 11 a.m. Friday, less than two hours after the head of the Chicago police oversight agency said the video footage was "shocking and disturbing" and that her heart goes out to the family of O’Neal. The O'Neal family was so distraught that they left after viewing videos at the Independent Police Review Authority headquarters without making any public comment. The video clearly shows officers firing down the street at the car as it speeds away. The city’s use of force policy explicitly bars police from shooting into a car when the vehicle represents the only danger.