Enjoyed read Confessions of a Caricaturist

2016-08-03 2

A collection of 32 black and white caricatures of celebrities, each accompanied by a brief comic verse. Herford pokes fun at his famous contemporaries in this little book. For readers unfamiliar with all of the celebrities of Herford s time, a complete biographical index is included. Poetry and portraits portray Rudyard Kipling, J. P. Morgan, George Bernard Shaw, John Singer Sargent, Henrik Ibsen, Columbus, Napoleon, Dante, and Shakespeare—and more! A note on our public domain restorations: Idle Winter Press selects interesting projects in the public domain to publish. Our books are not simply a PDF of an original version, printed and bound with a sub-standard cover. We painstakingly restore images, professionally format interiors, and design quality covers. If the text warrants it, we add an index (or improve the existing one), create diagrams, and research contexts as necessary. Though the public domain text is available for free on the internet, the high-quality, beautifully printed restoration is only available from Idle Winter Press.

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