The Fall of our Lives: Deciding on who we are and what we wish to do with our lives.

2016-08-01 15

It is the fall of our lives whether you are 16, 26 or 86 years old.
That's my opinion, of course, but I believe that.
With the advent of the Internet and with easy access with all knowledge, being trapped because of ignorance is not acceptable.
We are who and what we choose to be And excuses are simply that: Excuses.
It becomes the fall of our lives when we first recognize that we, as individuals, have value.

It becomes the fall our lives when we take charge of our own lives and become the creators that we are from this day forward.
Today is the first day of the rest of our lives.
It becomes the fall of our lives when we have the courage to shed lifetimes of mistaken beliefs and substitute facts, logic and reason as applied to each of us.
It becomes the Fall of ours lives when we declare that from this day forward we will become the best that we can be.
It is, in fact, as I said, the first day of the rest of our lives.
This sobering fact becomes real:
The young may die but the old must die.
And when the final roll call is taken, how do you answer the question:
What have you done with your life?

Think about this:
Have you taken some time out to evaluate how much you spend, on any given day, working for, doing something for, being obligated to, devoted to someone else other than yourself?
I think that you spend about 75% of your time on other people's stuff... 25% on your own endeavors with most of that time spent on sleeping.
Interesting isn't it.

You and I, individually, will sooner or later come to grips with that fact that our lives matter.
Just as our jobs are important, We are also important.
We should separate what we do from who we are, Unless, of course, what we do is, in fact, we are.
Don't you agree?

It is a conscious effort to have a job to support all that is required to have a job:
The appropriate car, the correct clothes, the right neighborhood to suggest the status of our accomplishments, the right schools for our kids so that they can have the right job, the right peers... and so one.
The fact that for many the costs involved in having a job far outweighs the what the job pays is of no concern. They are, after all, living up to the acceptable work ethics.
The Master-slave relationship.
Besides, it takes a lot of guts to leave the benefits in pursuit of self-interests. It takes a lot of research to discover the dollar value of the benefits now being received.
It does take a lot to be on your own.

Yet, there will some a time when you, too, will realize that you are in the Autumn of our life: Meaning, sooner or later you will be faced with the reality of taking responsibility for your own life and its accomplishments.
You will project to a time when you ask yourself:
What have I accomplished with my life?
What have I done with my life?
How have I left this earth a better place?
What have I created?
16 or 86 you will, some day, ask those questions. You will embrace that you are in the Autumn of your life.