10 Shocking Anti-Abuse Devices For Women That Actually Exist!

2016-07-29 1

Being a woman isn’t the easiest thing in the world, and they need to do what they have to do to protect themselves. As the song goes, “It’s a man’s world.” Well, maybe not so much anymore, but women still have a long way to go before they are completely equal with the male human race. There is still a problem with women getting assaulted all over the world. Even in places like the United States, women have to take extreme measures to defend themselves. From taking self-defenses classes to carrying pepper spray around, women have built up some impressive skills and people all over the world have created some incredible innovations to ensure that women are not only safe, but empowered as well.
When a man decides that he wants to violate and assault another woman, he certainly deserves to endure a harsh punishment plus anything else that the law throws at him. But sometimes, when the law fails, we feel like we have to take the law into our own hands and create devices that not only protect women, but they also manage to ensure that the man violating them is physically tortured and punished.
Here are ten of the most shocking self-defense devices for women. From stabbing a man’s junk to a condom with teeth, predators everywhere need to be afraid. Not only that, but men everywhere should be careful if they meet a woman who is a bit crazy and sadistic because you never know what will happen once you finally get to home plate with your girlfriend.
Being a woman can be scary sometimes, and women need to do what they need to do to protect themselves. After the FemDefence ad was released, it opened a dialogue of how women can be protected from rape after it was discovered it wasn’t real. If you’re a predator, beware, as you never know…your next victim could be your undoing. Here are ten shocking self-defense devices for women.