Hulagu and his chief executioner Baycu Noyan were heeling Mawlana

2016-07-28 1


ADNAN OKTAR: Millions, hundreds of thousands of people were massacred in Anatolia. Baycu Noyan, who was the most ruthless commander of this Hulagu army, was the chief executioner of the notorious dajjal, Hulagu. He attends almost all of Mawlana’s discourses, he is constantly right beside him. He was a person whom Mawlana constantly caressed his head. Dajjal Hulagu martyred one million one hundred forty seven thousand people in Nishapur. One million three hundred thousand Muslims in Marw. One million six hundred thousand Muslims in Harat. He martyred eight hundred thousand people in Baghdad. Set fire to twelve thousand mosques in Otra, Bukhara and Samarkand. He had fourteen thousand copies of the Quran in mosques burned. About fifty thousand scholars, students and hafizes were murdered, martyred by his fellows. And he had two hundred thousand people buried alive. Had pits dug and filled them with these people, martyred them. He martyred ten thousand people only in Kayseri in Anatolia. This dajjal is the most well-beloved student of Mawlana. He made Mawlana the superior Sheikh. He made him the sheikh of the entire Anatolia and paid him high salaries.
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