Under sudden attacks, the telephone lines might be cut off and tel-evision broadcasts might stop; it is important to gather together on the streets

2016-07-28 3

ADNAN OKTAR: Sometimes in such sudden attacks, television broadcast might stop. In these cases we shouldn't panic. Or telephone lines may be cut off. The most felicitous thing to do during such cases is gathering on the streets with the public, standing together with the people.

In cases like this, being in a crowd is beneficial; telephone might be cut off along with other things; it is important to stand together with people congestedly and seek refuge in God insh'Allah. There should always be an invitation to decency, for example our people were shouting "back to the barracks" to the army. They might have said "curse the army." This is not how it should be. "Back to the barracks" is better. They are our own sons, we send them to the army. We send them and we take care of them, we buy their weapons.

Indeed it is not right to panic in situations like this. Nothing ever happens apart from fate. We should be calm. It is not right to act in panic. For example bringing cars to block the path of tanks, it is a great idea. Driving trucks and such, this can really work. Because the keys are still on you, if you park the truck in the middle of the road, only a bulldozer can remove it. If the people have the opportunity to do it, they should bring all the cars they have to block the road. The road will be closed with fifty cars. It is impossible to clear the road in that case, tank or not, nothing can breach it. Let's assume they gave the soldiers a tank for these kind of situations, they should leave the tank and join the people. Why do they need a tank. Make tank inoperative, get out and join the crowd. It is also important to make tank inoperative.

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