I'm Yours by Jason Mraz - Cover by Jack Lie & Bon Suet

2016-07-27 8

It's my pleasure to sing this amazing song with Bon Bon (lol). This song was originally filmed in summer, but because of my clumsiness, I actually thought I deleted it. Recently I found out that RT and Bon Bon had a collaboration and covered the lovely song "我的宣言". Which reminds me of this "forgotten" cover of ours. Well here you go! Hope you guys enjoy this cover!!

很高興可以和Bon Bon (笑)一齊Jam這首這麼好聽的歌。其實這段片早在夏天的時候拍了,不過我以為我不小心刪除了,所以一直沒有Post。最近聽了RT和BonBon的 "我的宣言" Cover,覺得非常好聽,突然想起了這首遺忘已久的Cover哈哈,我屁股癢癢的又去找。終於給我找到了! 希望大家喜歡這個 "I'm yours" Cover!

[Fri RT.C Channel] feat. BonBon - "我的宣言" 周柏豪: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eiVYLcdbPo&feature=youtu.be

Bonsuet108's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/bonsuet108
Bon's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/suetip.wong
and her Instagram: https://instagram.com/suetip108/

My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teapotdontlie
My Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackdontlie/