3 Logical Fallacies Of Atheism Part 2 - by Bryan Denlinger

2016-07-27 6

Proverbs 18:13 - He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.

I plead with all atheists that they choose to get saved NOW. This dispensation is quickly coming to and end, and the Lord Jesus Christ will soon call up His bride (us truly saved Bible-believing Christians.) After that happens, it will be too late for people to repent and accept Christ as their Savior. Anyone who wants to get saved then will have to endure through the 7-year long time of Jacob's trouble, when God pours out His judgement on this Earth. It will be an absolutely horrific time to live, and you will have to do works and not only have faith to merit your salvation. Right now in the church age, you only need to put your faith alone in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. It won't be this easy to become saved during the time of Jacob's trouble! Please choose to accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now before this time period and before it is too late for your poor soul in eternity. Tomorrow might be too late!