Refugee bomber kills self, injures 12 outside German music festival

2016-07-27 1

ANSBACH, GERMANY — Germany was struck by yet another attack late Sunday when a refugee who had been denied asylum in the country blew himself up, Reuters reported.

The explosion took place in Ansbach, Germany after a man authorities identified as a Syrian refugee blew himself up outside a music festival at around 10.p.m. The blast reportedly came from a device in his backpack and killed him and wounded 12 others, three severely.

The man made his way to Germany from Syria in 2014. His application for asylum was rejected in 2015, but was allowed to stay temporarily, reported German newspaper Deustche-Welle.

The bomber had reportedly reportedly tried to commit suicide twice previously and had received treatment for mental health issues.

Ansbach is also home to a U.S. Army base, however the explosion occurred several miles from it.