10 Theme Parks Kids Are NOT Allowed To Visit

2016-07-26 19

Did you know that every year thousands of parents die at theme and amusement parks? Well, ok, that’s not true at all but if boredom was a serious cause of death it probably would be true. Let’s face it, for the most part, parks and attractions are often made family friendly which actually means they are safe for children. This isn’t to say that adults can’t and don’t have fun at such places. After all, if you’ve ever been to a Disney theme park or Six Flags, you know they can keep you entertained for quite some time. However, once the excitement has worn off and you’ve tired-out your inner-child, these parks can be a bit too G rated. If only there were attractions and theme parks that catered to the adult in you – you know, the places where there are few screaming brats and the stuff you are going to do involves proving you are of legal age.

It turns out these places exist. Leave the kids at home and get out the map because scattered around the world are a range of locations that are meant for grown-ups. Some involve social activities and hobbies that aren’t appropriate for kids, like drinking and making various alcoholic beverages. Others are far too scary for children or in most cases way too sexually explicit for anyone under 18 years of age. Of course, then there are just the restaurants which have some rather interesting and adult themed dishes and décor. From water parks to sex parks, you’ll agree these locations are definitely not for the kids.