Trump Leads Clinton In Poll After Republican Convention

2016-07-25 86

The Republican National Convention proved to be a successful one for Donald Trump, landing him ahead of Hillary Clinton in a CNN/ORC poll.

The Republican National Convention apparently proved to be a successful one for Donald Trump, landing him ahead of Hillary Clinton in a recent CNN/ORC poll. 
48% of respondents favored him, while 45% voiced support for his democratic opponent. 
When candidates Jill Stein and Gary Johnson were added to the election equation, Trump received 44% backing compared to Clinton’s 39%. 
Independent voters seemed to be highly swayed by the Republican National Convention. 
Prior to the event, Clinton had 34% of their support compared to Trump’s 31%.
The latest poll, which was conducted between July 22 and 24, 46% of independents championed Trump and 28% said they are backing Clinton. 
Respondents were less impressed by the convention overall, with 58% noting an excess amount of time was devoted to attacking Democrats.