Pokemon Gold Nuzlocke Ep 3 Grinding Sludge

2016-07-25 2

Hey YT this is Entei LPs blazing back with another episode of Pokemon Gold Nuzlocke. In this episode we train up some Pokemon and Joined with me is Crimsonwolf429 his link will be in description below. If you like the video like, comment your thoughts and subscribe for more content. I am partnered with freedom if any of you want to apply please apply at www.freedom.tm/apply
I am also doing a collaborative with a few friends Link will be in description below. crimsonwolf429-https://www.youtube.com/user/WolfCrimson429


Nuzlocke Rules:
1) you can only capture the first Pokemon you encounter in a new area you explore.
2) If one of your Pokemon faints it is considered dead. MUST BE RELEASED.
3) you must nickname everything.